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Want to be a part of our team?

Join us as we continue to explore the potential of mRNA science to create a new generation of medicines for patients.

Woman smiling in front of her computer at a table
Happy Worker

A real-time AI organisation

We are on a journey to becoming a real-time AI company, where we embed AI into every aspect of our organisation. We know that successful AI implementation means putting our people at the center. Employees are empowered to use AI tools that enhance productivity, automate processes and support decision-making, enabling us to deliver the greatest possible impact to people through mRNA medicines. 

Colleagues around a table

Maximise your impact

Have a positive impact today and in the decades to come. We care deeply about our patients, our employees, the environment and our communities.

Group of volunteers standing around table

Moderna Foundation

We support charitable organisations and causes that promote public health, healthcare and educational opportunities, particularly in underserved populations. 

Group of people volunteering on farm

Volunteer Week

We celebrated our fifth annual week of volunteering in December 2023.

Moderna employees posing for picture by pine street in sign
Moderna employees with Rainbow Flag

Bring your best self

Bring your passion and find a diverse and inclusive environment where everyone is welcome and empowered to do their best work. Employee Resource Groups are voluntary, employee-led groups, open to all of our employees, that harness the power of belonging and allyship to serve our people, our company and the community at large.  

Employee Resource Groups

  • Accessibility and Disability Allies Partnering Together (ADAPT)

  • Asian and Pacific Islander Resources and Engagement (ASPIRE)

  • Black, African American, and African Employees and Allies (mPOWER)

  • Hispanic and Latinx Employees and Allies (UNIDOS)

  • Moderna Caregiver Resource and Empowerment (mCARE)

  • Moderna RaiNbow Alliance for LGBTQ+ Colleagues (mRNA)

  • Moderna Veteran Employees Together (mVETS)

  • Voice of the Employee (VOE)

  • Women in Science Driving Moderna (WISDM)

Fraudulent job offers

Moderna is aware that some job seekers have received false employment offers or recruitment emails from an individual or organisation posing as Moderna.

Lunar new year at Moderna